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Maria Veitola dresses provocatively on TV, and there's a good reason for that

purple-painted study

- Come in, I'll be on the phone for a while, says journalist Maria Veitola as she opens the door of her office in Punavuori, Helsinki, and soon disappears from sight In the purple-painted study, the first thing that catches your eye is Veitola's clothes rack.

Some of the outfits are familiar if you have followed Veitola's Instagram or watched her appearances on TV The clothes play with materials, shapes and colors.

The journalist, who sits as a panelist on the Masked Singer Suomi program, has sometimes been seen wearing a soft toy headpiece during prime time Some viewers think that the journalist's outfits are not suitable for an entertainment show.

- I don't understand why people see it that way Isn't it funny how amazing I look when I'm dressed as a sandwich, he wonders at his desk.

On discussion forums, you sometimes see claims that Veitola is provocative with her clothing choices - I probably provoke all the time in a certain way on purpose, but my provocation is more like: I can do whatever I like, you don't dictate to me.

I can dress however I like and say whatever I want to say At this point, many readers may already be annoyed, so Veitola makes a clarification.

- The provocation is not that I just want to annoy the gang, but it's in a "taking over all the space" kind of way - If I have space and the opportunity to use it, then I don't use it for myself, but for everyone.

I can dress like a cabbage on TV, for example, so that everyone would have looser limits to dress more casually Or if after the interview I wonder why I had to talk about that issue, that someone gets angry again.

At the same time, I think that I have to say these things out loud From Veitola's speeches, one gets the impression that he wants to act as a trendsetter.

- We have a lot of assumptions about what people should be like, and many feel a lot of shame about not belonging to the crowd If I can make it possible for me to be like this, maybe it will inspire another person to be themselves, he says.

Straight to the point, Veitola recognizes the character trait in herself that she wants to put the cat on the table and say things out loud, even if it doesn't always please the people around her However, he is used to it in his own way.

Veitola hopes that other people in the public eye would also dare to speak out, for example, about the challenges of working life or take things forward - Sure, there are people who talk, but then there are those, who never speak.

Nobody ever demands it from them either, maybe that's why they are liked so much Veitola also knows that the louder you take a stand on things, the more a person's actions are scrutinized and criticized.

– If you talk about the rights of animals, women or minorities, then people start to demand complete purity and examine all your actions If I fly, I will be asked why I fly? Then people who don't take a stand on anything will never be required to take any value-based action.

During the interview, even the reporter can't get away easily Veitola is interested in hearing the opposite point of view and dares to ask the interviewer's opinions as well.

In social media and in the comment sections of magazines, you often come across that a public figure is accused of being a victim Veitolak has received its share of similar accusations.

- This is not just about me or public figures If people talk about difficult issues or open up about their own vulnerability, they are immediately accused of victimhood.

- It's one form of silencing, and it's really grim Yes, I think that women hear that quite a lot.

When someone tells another that they are sacrificing themselves, you are saying that the other person is weak In Veitola's opinion, talking about sensitive or pain points related to one's own life is a way to create a human connection with another person.

- If you just say that you are doing really damn hard, then it is quite difficult to establish any contact with you At least I hope that everyone would dare to say that life is not easy all the time.

Veitola writes on social media about mental health and also about her own difficult moments Even though someone's life may seem perfect to an outsider, everyone has their own cross to bear.

The case of Räsänen In the fall of 2021, the entertainment world was buzzing again Member of Parliament Päivi Räsänen (kd) was revealed as one of the characters of the Masked Singer Suomi program.

The politician, known for his questionable and cutting comments about sexual and gender minorities, aroused anger in some viewers The actor Christoffer Strandberg, sitting on the program's panel with Veitola, expressed publicly that including Räsänen in the entertainment program was not a suitable choice.

The commotion was ready When Veitola is asked for her opinion on what happened, she frames her words carefully.

- I absolutely do not think so, that Räsänen should be cancelled I myself am with him in the night village.

Interviewing him in a journalistic environment is important At this point, however, there is a but.

- In my opinion, he was not in the right place in that program (Masked), because I think of all the rainbow families who watch that program with joy Everyone supports and cheers each other on, and the filming has that common carnival spirit.

Then it reveals a person who, for his part, has enabled hate speech against sexual minorities, actively acted against equality, then he was in the wrong place, Veitola reasons The visits continue Veitola is one of the few journalists who has been able to take television viewers to the homes of Finnish celebrities.

No wonder then, that the eighth season of the award-winning Yökylässä Maria Veitola series will be published this spring There is no shortage of stars this season either, as Veitola visits, among others, the actor Pilvi Hämäläinen and the F1 driver Valtteri Bottas.

The editor admits that packing for an overnight visit is often left to the last minute - An electric toothbrush, pyjamas, a book, wool socks from my father, wireless headphones and melatonin are usually on my way.

Many viewers have wondered what the food arrangements are like during the visit As is customary, the guest then eats like the host.

However, Veitola does not eat meat, which in the early days seemed to cause some headaches This season, however, he gives special thanks to the chairman of the coalition, Petteri Orpo.

- Petteri cooked an absolutely insanely good dinner He was the best cook.

Maria Veitola's makeup: Janne Suono Veitola is styled by Anna Komonen.

Cover photo dress and jacket: Acne Studios/ Beam Yellow blouse and trousers: Saks Potts / Stockmann.

Striped blouse and skirt: Samsøe Samsøe / Stockmann Maria's own shoes and jewelry in all pictures.


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